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Aiming at creating a new kabuki drama unlike traditional unrealistic scripts or historical drama modernized only on the surface, he published a paper titled "Wagakuni no Shigeki (Japan's historical drama)" in 1893 and put his theory into practice by creating this work.



Missionary work was limited to the ports of treaty until that period, but the Treaty of Tianjin signed after the Arrow War (Second Opium War) allowed travel inland of the Qing dynasty (permit to propagate inland) and many foreign missionaries entered the country and went inland.



After it caught fire and was destroyed again in 1013, Michinaga transferred its ownership to Fujiwara no Yorimichi, his heir, but Yorimichi was reluctant to reconstruct the building because he possessed a residence called Kaya-in, and therefore, the reconstruction work took thirty years and was completed at last in 1043, it was destroyed again in a fire in 1031 before its completion.



However, because it had been a long time since 648 when Taiso (Tang tai zong) gave "Shogyojo," and there is a description in the afterword that 'embroidered by order of the Emperor," there is a theory that this epigraph came to be assessed as a translation by Genjo based on Kumaraju's translation in order to glorify Genjo's great work after his death.

しかしながら、太宗 (唐)が『聖教序』を下賜した648年から大幅に時間が経過している上、跋文に「勅を奉けて潤色せり」という記載があることから、この碑文は玄奘の没後にその偉業を讃えるために鳩摩羅什の訳文を元に玄奘訳としてまとめられたものではないかという説もあります。


Shinabe who lived in Kinai region (provinces surrounding Kyoto and Nara) and its surrounding provinces were divided into tsuneno shinabe who were obliged to pay tribute on a constant basis and karino shinaba with a form close to temporary yoeki (corvee under the ritsuryo system) work.



I will be having lunch in Osaka at this time tomorrow.

明日の今頃は大阪でランチを食べているはず です。

 [未来進行形] 未来に進行している行為


I've packed handkerchiefs and tis
sues, and I'll be wearing my hat.


 [未来進行形] 自然な成り行きを表す



I'll be meeting Taro at 12 o'clock tomorrow.

明日の12時に太郎と会えるはず だよ。 

 [未来進行形] 自然な成り行き


I know this song by heart.



I know my friends telephone numbers by heart.



Forget about the rules. Just learn it by heart.



It is no use crying over spilt milk.



What is done cannot be undone.



LOOK before you leap.



bias 偏見、偏見を持つ  refer to ~に言及する

cereal 穀物、シリアル  on one's behalf ~のために

destination 目的地  pass on A to B AをBに伝える

flight 飛行機  attribute A to B AをBのせいにする

influence 影響(力)、影響を及ぼす  set up 設立する
luggage 手荷物  judging from A Aから判断すると
reservation 予約< span style="font-weight: bold;">  be ashamed of ~を恥じている

sibling きょうだい  turn down A Aを拒否する

influential 有力な  take on A Aを引き受ける

perhaps ひょっとしたら  work on ~に取り組む

ruthless 無慈悲な、無茶な  in oneself それ自体
build ~を建てる  be anxious for ~を切望している

confirm 確認する  limit A to B AをBに制限する
mean ~を意味する  consist of ~から成る


Aiming at creating a new kabuki drama unlike traditional unrealistic scripts or historical drama modernized only on the surface, he published a paper titled "Wagakuni no Shigeki (Japan's historical drama)" in 1893 and put his theory into practice by creating this work.



Missionary work was limited to the ports of treaty until that period, but the Treaty of Tianjin signed after the Arrow War (Second Opium War) allowed travel inland of the Qing dynasty (permit to propagate inland) and many foreign missionaries entered the country and went inland.



After it caught fire and was destroyed again in 1013, Michinaga transferred its ownership to Fujiwara no Yorimichi, his heir, but Yorimichi was reluctant to reconstruct the building because he possessed a residence called Kaya-in, and therefore, the reconstruction work took thirty years and was completed at last in 1043, it was destroyed again in a fire in 1031 before its completion.



However, because it had been a long time since 648 when Taiso (Tang tai zong) gave "Shogyojo," and there is a description in the afterword that 'embroidered by order of the Emperor," there is a theory that this epigraph came to be assessed as a translation by Genjo based on Kumaraju's translation in order to glorify Genjo's great work after his death.

しかしながら、太宗 (唐)が『聖教序』を下賜した648年から大幅に時間が経過している上、跋文に「勅を奉けて潤色せり」という記載があることから、この碑文は玄奘の没後にその偉業を讃えるために鳩摩羅什の訳文を元に玄奘訳としてまとめられたものではないかという説もあります。


Shinabe who lived in Kinai region (provinces surrounding Kyoto and Nara) and its surrounding provinces were divided into tsuneno shinabe who were obliged to pay tribute on a constant basis and karino shinaba with a form close to temporary yoeki (corvee under the ritsuryo system) work.



I will be having lunch in Osaka at this time tomorrow.

明日の今頃は大阪でランチを食べているはず です。

 [未来進行形] 未来に進行している行為


I've packed handkerchiefs and tis
sues, and I'll be wearing my hat.


 [未来進行形] 自然な成り行きを表す



I'll be meeting Taro at 12 o'clock tomorrow.

明日の12時に太郎と会えるはず だよ。 

 [未来進行形] 自然な成り行き


I know this song by heart.



I know my friends telephone numbers by heart.



Forget about the rules. Just learn it by heart.



It is no use crying over spilt milk.



What is done cannot be undone.



LOOK before you leap.



bias 偏見、偏見を持つ  refer to ~に言及する

cereal 穀物、シリアル  on one's behalf ~のために

destination 目的地  pass on A to B AをBに伝える

flight 飛行機  attribute A to B AをBのせいにする

influence 影響(力)、影響を及ぼす  set up 設立する
luggage 手荷物  judging from A Aから判断すると
reservation 予約< span style="font-weight: bold;">  be ashamed of ~を恥じている

sibling きょうだい  turn down A Aを拒否する

influential 有力な  take on A Aを引き受ける

perhaps ひょっとしたら  work on ~に取り組む

ruthless 無慈悲な、無茶な  in oneself それ自体
build ~を建てる  be anxious for ~を切望している

confirm 確認する  limit A to B AをBに制限する
mean ~を意味する  consist of ~から成る
